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Over the last 4-years alone, we are proud to say that our resources and workshops have positively impacted over 12,000 individuals! 

Most Likely Board Game-Discussion Cards.

Most Likely & Consider Me

“Using Most Likely & Consider Me resources was brilliant; they helped the children who had gang affiliation, disengagements with school and had to progressed to committing crimes in the community to realise and work through the consequences of their behaviour and develop empathy for those affected by their behaviour.”

Secondary School Family Support Practitioner from Local Authority MASH Team

Dad’s Angry Reaction Book Pack

“Excellent book that raised the children’s awareness that behaviour choices can have multiple consequences. It also highlights the link between emotions and behaviour choices.”

Education Support Worker

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Oh Charlie!

“My son and his school friends kept engaging in inappropriate rough play at school, which had them get into trouble far too often. This play continued as all of the children involved lacked understanding about their behaviour and strategies other than the consequence of missing playtime needed to be implemented.”

“I have shared the book and resource with his EHC 1-2-1 support teacher who has now also adapted   the resource in his class room with my son and others.”

Parent with child aged 9 in Harrow Primary School

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Managing Emotions & Choices and Consequences

“Rosemary Martin's resources have been very helpful in pareting my children aged 8-14. Prior to using 'Managing Emotions', I was constantly nagging and achieving little or no result. There was however a huge turn around when we began to use 'Managing Emotions' and then 'Choices and Consequences'. The resources have brought us closer as a family and I can confidently say that I have sensible and well behaved children who understandthat there are consequences for their actions and inactions. Their school work have improved remarkably and their rooms are cleaner with no prompting! .”

 Laura Ikponmwosa - Parent of children aged between 8-14 years

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➢Child in long-term foster care.

➢Excluded from mainstream school and a Pupil Referral Unit.

➢Often arrived at the centre in a state of high anxiety and anger.

➢Frequently restrained due to violent, volatile and abusive behaviours towards other pupils and staff.

➢Constantly competed for attention from peers and adults; showed extreme jealousy towards peers that resulted in frequent impulsive

    and disruptive actions. 

➢Often missed parts or whole sessions of learning.



➢Feelings In A Bag was used daily on arrival at the centre with his key worker, also following occasions where he was emotionally

    overwhelmed and subsequently made poor behaviour choices. 



➢ Improved use of emotional literacy, resulting in him being more able to Identify and talk about his feelings, as well as explain events that had contributed to him arriving with these feelings.

➢Worked with the support of his keyworker to reflect and to become more aware of the impact of his behaviour on himself, others and his learning.

➢Develop strategies he could use to manage his feelings appropriately, as well as how he might let an adult know that he needed help.

➢Significant reduction of being restrained to no restraints due to his increased ability to talk about his feelings, management of his emotions and use of support strategies (appropriately letting the adults know when he needed help).

➢Much calmer on arrival.

➢Swifter engagement in learning sessions.

➢Overall general happiness noted by all staff.

Feelings In A Bag

Consider Me- Secondary


➢Secondary School and in the home (work carried out by Family Support Practitioner from Local Authority MASH Team)



➢Family breakdown

➢Gang affiliation

➢Stealing from local shops

➢At risk of school exclusion



➢Consider Me Community from the promoting Empathy range and Most Likely from the Choices and Consequences range was used

    weekly as part of the support package.



➢Reduction in impulsive behaviour as a result of raised awareness of links between behaviour choices and their consequences.

➢Increased empathy and impact of behaviour choices on others

➢Improved family communication and relationships

➢Re-engagement with learning/school

Oh Charlie!


➢Local Authority Emergency Interim Education Centre for Primary School children.

➢Children were either in long-term foster care, had been subject of a Child Protection Plan or Child in Need Plan.



➢Children excluded from mainstream school and Pupil Referral Unit.

➢All children had long history of non-engagement with education.

➢High level of challenging, disruptive and abusive behaviours towards peers and adults (restrained procedures had to be used). 

➢2 children had history of absconding from the PRU.



➢Oh Charlie book pack was used twice a week as a workshop incorporated in the literacy lessons. 

➢The children engaged in reading the story, group discussions, role play, reflection and various critical thinking exercises.



➢Children’s re-engagement in learning (enjoyed the workshops and often came up with ideas of their own).

➢Showed understanding  of the links between behaviour choices and consequences and were better able to openly discuss more positive behaviour choices.

➢Increased empathy and greater awareness  of the effects their behaviour had on others. (Reminded each other when poor behaviour choices were going to be made that there were consequences and they could choose).

➢Increase reflection of own behaviour in key worker sessions and when staff challenged their actions; this resulted in quicker de-escalation and reduction in restraints.

➢Improved relationships with peers and staff.

➢All children proudly showed their carers and parents their Oh Charlie work displayed in the centre; One child read the book to his parent at the Parent/Carers open day.

➢All children were placed in Local Authority SEN Schools.

Boost- Self-esteem


➢Personal use at home



➢History of medical issues, experience of abuse and neglect


➢Very low self-esteem/confidence

➢Long term unemployed

➢Strained communication with immediate family members



➢Boost Self-esteem range was used daily by herself and as a family.



➢Improved self-esteem due to greater self –awareness and  recognition of self-worth.

➢Improved self-confidence that led to engagement in voluntary work and later employment.

➢Reduced isolation

➢Improved communication and relationships with immediate family, led to better support and understanding of needs.

We Have A Solution...
We Are A Solution!

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